Help! Scratched my nice paintwork
How to build employable skills for working in science (UK)
First go preshading with black primer
Tv licence
Best way to attach this to the door?
Advice for if you can't afford Tv Licence?
Pre shading on black primer 😬
I’m 23 and I’ve ruined my entire life
I hate university please help me
Buried under pre class tasks
2 weeks vape free and I feel exactly the same
It's like I'm not meant to be a dad
Favourite nicotine replacement?
I caved today
How to deal with partner vaping
Which colour is which??
I’m ashamed of how I raised my kid
teenage son makes bad decision after bad decision, then acts like the victim. wwyd?
This might be a bit controversial but what are your thoughts on Marmite?
Scaffold board shelf
The worst job in the world.
Do they count or is gardening too uncool for this sub?
Should I get a new airbrush?
Can short men ever be sexually attractive?
The law of presence and absence or how to maintain the frame in an effortless way.