Is Allan Lichtman misinterpreting his own "Keys to the White House"?
Nisa portfolio - ideas
A mature discussion about net worth
What are you best Japanese YouTubers (in JP language) for finance related matters?
Leasehold (Old Contract) vs Freehold in Tokyo - Is it worth looking at Leasehold properties under the old contract?
Best credit card in Japan 2024
Advice on Trading Platform
What is your side gig?
Are there potential issues with a dual citizen purchasing Japanese real estate using their American Citizenship?
For people who bought investment property in Japan: Are you happy with your choice or do you regret it and why?
Tokyo wealth gap?
Questions about investing in rental properties in Japan
Places to rent for a store
Turned 30 today with 20M JPY networth. Road to FIRE advice ?
Anybody looking at the Bank of Japan's meeting today?
Is property investment while living in a foreign country worth it?
Any sites that cleanly show income/net worth percentiles in Japan?
foreign shareholders and their influence in the JP stock market
Best credit card in Japan
ETFs vs individual stocks in NISA
Seeking Inspiration from those who find success in multiple income streams