I don’t even know what to say
Thank goodness for modern weaponry! Yogi and bambi is o the menu!
DayZ Server Error 0x00040074
Karambit inspect animation
Three idiots in a room
First time driving on Sakhal
Howto tame wild dog ( old video with missing transition anim )
When you have problems with car, call Towing Service
Was on a hike and saw this. This game sometimes especially at the "coastal valleys" ( what i call them) never gets old
One of first almost successful experiments
Shooting while ride horse now complete
Lets start engine
Friends in main menu
Is this happening to snow on Sahkal for anyone else?
Shooting while ride horse - very very WIP
One step forward to allow shooting from vehicles
So... How do I get started with DayZ Modding?
Masha and Bear - another old experiment :)
I met a unicorn
This was begin of horse mod in summer of 2022
Work in progress AI mod - basic pathfinding
Crossing river by horse
Finally got yummy food
Another animations I've created (Survivor Animations)