Why I’m Waiting Until January 8th to Trade Again
How my day is going
Are peopl really just full of hatred or?...
Are people really just that full of hatred or?
People who have taken LSD, what was your experience?
Which are your favorite non-sentient/semi sentient alien species? Mine is the Rancor
If you could design your own lightsaber, which color would you choose for it?
What non-human species in Star Wars would you want to be?
Clone Wars worth the watch?
She can stay, dad…
Who is your favorite non canon sith? I’ll start.
11 year vegan going back to animal products after an intense ceremony
Did anyone else mature into a Qui-Gon fanboy over time or did you start out as one?
What is one of your best Star Wars memories?.
Just made juice. It's burning my tongue and throat?
How do you guys cope when youve finished all star wars media!?
Name this
Why did Obi wan give up so easily against Vader?
Raw, untamed power.
Name a character who went through more pain, i’ll wait
Baboons get into car causing the people inside to panic
Which planet in Star Wars would you like to visit? I always wanted to go to Naboo because I love the look of Theed city.
What brand is really killing it right now? For me it’s ghost.