My Saviors!
Here Is An 2015 "GAMEPLAY" of For Honor.
Who would you want to see have their feats reworked next?
In Case You Did Not Know... Characters were supposed to speak in the Wu-Lin update.
New hero leaked
Another exemple of why voice got deleted
More armor customization
What Will Be The New Hero?
what's up with the whispering?
New Audio Files From The Main Menu, Can Anyone Translate?
I just wanted an hug...
This Gonna Be An Legendary Battle...
Any Crafting game and Survival like Terraria ?
That's... Unlucky. (for him)
How does revenge work nowadays?
When You're The Ping Pong Ball
Oathbreaker Nerf: Give it an Attack Animation
January Roadmap
Aah For Honor... The nicest place on earth.
Ideas to Make For Honor More Fun!
Did Someone Learned How To activate Afeera 1st and 3rd feats 2 time? (Or more) Or it's just random ?
Any Rogue-lite or Rogue-like that's not an plate-former ?