The one man singlehandedly holding together the Cod community right now...
What is your favorite Bo6 map?
Is bo6 a good Cod experience?
This morning COD reached a new all time low for player counts on steam
How cod fans have been like recently:
Alright seriously, why are bo6 servers so bad?
Launch month Bo6 was a high A tier cod but recent Bo6 is a mid C tier cod
COD youtube right now:
What is the best modern COD
Rate Bo6 out of 10
A message to Activision, Microsoft, and Treyarch.
Why did Marika turn selfish?
And then they will praise this game next year...
Is it just me or is it much harder to get higher kill streaks in this game?
Bo6 is a good game hurt by bad and greedy decisions
What would fix the game the most?(If you could only pick one)
The love hate relationship with black ops 6
Bo6 map tier list (personal opinion)
Activision and microsoft screwed over a really good game
The game thinks Im crimson
What is your favorite weapon in bo6 round 1 pt 3
What's your favorite weapon tournament Round 1 pt 2
What is your favorite weapon? Round 1 pt 1
Is the game on an inevitable crash course?
How do I get out of being hardstuck in ranked?