Besides punk/hardcore, what do you listen to when you're bored of listening to metal?
Why are mouse pointers so vulgar?
What's red and bad for your teeth?
What’s the coolest song/s that you know?
Nine plus ten equals______.
What is your preferred pick?
How many artists and songs have you listened to this year? I have no comparisons
I'm gonna write a book on how to fall off the stairs.
My wife told me she'll slam my head into the keyboard if I don't get of the computer...
What is your favorite guitar solo?
Do humans eat more bananas than monkeys?
Did you know fish can breakdance?
Metallica song you feel closest to?
You don't need a parachute for skydiving...
Yo mama so nasty...
Much more minutes than this and you're playing music while sleeping I know because I don't.
Stop saying the word _______ . You know it makes me horny
Hoeveel botten zitten er in je hand?
Wat moet je eten als je jeuk hebt?
Best TOOL song to present to a class?
What's the first thing you would do if you saw an alien?
Which do you like better, Kirk's melodic solos, or his fast, metal solos?
Men are you okay with eating the same thing every day?
Sad songs by women about anything but a man