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Finding Purpose in Life or Why we Exist - Could Stoicism be The Key?
[Unintentional] Finding Purpose in Life or Why we Exist - Could Stoicism be The Key?
Downtown, Me, Digital, 2019
Tutor to a Lunatic, Vernon Fisher, Oils and Blackboard, 1996
Me and my dog, me, pen on paper, 2019.
Winter otter, me, fine liner, 2019
Finding Purpose in Life or Why we Exist - Could Stoicism be The Key? [33 views]
The Secret of Happiness
He Broke Into My House
Howl, Me, Watercolor, 2017
Beauty of Tigon, Pham Anh, oil, 2018
Kraken, me, acrylic, 2019
Tranquility, Me, Pencil/Liner pen, 2019
Dance Theater Solo Improvisation
He Broke Into My House [Acting Scene]
Contemporary Dance Improvisation #1
Dragon, Me, Ink, 2018