Why does elena get mad at Caroline?
Today’s my 28 birthday and I am going to end it tomorrow
Just finished watching: my opinions and questions.
I hate the sadistic pro life movement
I think I’ve just noticed a plot hole.
Need advice on how to handle a future with my boyfriend.
AITAH for thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend because he spit on his mother?
Contraceptive Pills Ruined My Relationship
AITAH for telling my girlfriend I don’t find her as attractive anymore after gaining weight?
My (26M) girlfriend (24F) confessed that about a year ago that she told her close friend that if she wasn’t with me currently, she would try something with another guy, should it hurt this much?
AITAH For Telling My SIL That I’ve Had Four Miscarriages When She Said I Didn’t Understand Her Loss?
AITA for not wanting to forgive my parents who used to be amazing, because of one mistake they made in the past?
AITA for refusing to take my sister’s kids in, even though she’s facing homelessness?
How do I (20f) explain to my boyfriend (19m) that he isn’t the problem with our sex life?
WIBTA if I broke up with my fiancé so he could be happier with my sister?
My (M34) wife (F35) rehomed our dog while I was on a work trip. How do I move on from this?
AITAH for kicking my MIL out after she commented on my baby weight?
AITA For Exposing My Wife's SA To Her Family
AITAH for telling my husband that my doctor knows more than him and refusing to forgive him?
AITAH for asking my husband if we can stop having sex on our honeymoon?
AITAH for not deleting photos of my brother before he transitioned?
AITA to divorce my husband and leave him with the kid after finding out I'm not biologically the mom?
Am I the asshole for wanting my husband to get snipped?