I mean, it depends, right?!
21 Nonbinary
Ruscko, is thad you?!
Knapp 50 Jahre ungewaschen und trotzdem noch TÜV und fahrtauglich!
Hab nachgesehen. Normaler Passat. Warum sind die nochmal so gehyped?!
How do I look
We need new mission objectives! How about "escort the payload" or "protect convoy" missions? Please AH!
If AH wants folks to quit again, the DSS is exactly what the game needed
DSS barrage is just a reskinned meteor shower...
43% of active Helldivers are ignoring the Major order and allowing it to expire. Stay focused, please. It's still achievable.
Assault Rifle in all but appearance.
Ein möglicher Grund, warum der Führerschein so teuer geworden ist. Was ist eure Meinung dazu ?
Come, take a seat and stop scrollin for a bit.
Because they never buff weapons right?
Classic Reddit
It’s so realistic….I mean fictional….
What are you seeing very often?
So, what is the point of using the Heavy Machine Gun?
Mein „Wenig Platz, weil Mietwohnungen in der Innenstadt“-Setup