Bridge of the Slovak National Uprising, (1972), Bratislava, Slovakia
Bridge of the Slovak National Uprising, (1972), Bratislava, Slovak Socialist Republic. Architects: Josef Lacko, Ladislav Kusnir, Ivan Slamen. Photographer unknown
I appreciate this subreddit for historical building renovation/refurbishment posts (especially before and after pictures), but why the hell do people on this subreddit appreciate demolishing in some cases very good 1930-1970 architecture and replacing it with historicizing Disneyland-like backdrops?
V Českých Budějovicích, tam by chtěl žít opravdu každý
My objectively correct opinion on European countries
Bytová krize (reálná velikost problému)
YouTube video on how Austria made commie blocks cool
Guess where I'm from based on this map (Impossible edition)
4K 60 fps Paris Metro Line 4 Full Journey From Bagneux - Lucie Aubrac to Porte de Clignancourt
Coastal Road (Mumbai, India)
Proposal to replace ugly 60s building in London, UK approved | Architect: Francis Terry
Photo i captured in Telc, Cz
ÖBB Railjet near Česká Třebová
Unpopular opinion: mít nadměrné množství peněz se přeceňuje
3 jsem vyplnil sám a dál potřebuju inspiraci. Místa z nejoblíbenějších komentářů budou doplněny. Beru města, oblasti i čtvrtě. Ideálně přidejte i fotku.
Enhanced Workbenches has been updated to 1.21.1 and now features NeoForge support!
Zkoušel jsem v pracovním týdnu fungovat v Praze bez plastu
Palace in Bukowiec, Poland.
Banjica Belgrade (Inst: coldechoesbelgrade)
Nation's Library of the Presidency, Türkiye
Nejlepší možná vláda, která by mohla v tomto roce převzít moc. Zde máte seznam ministerstev a jejich zastoupení:
Transportation Engineering and Management at it's finest!
Do you have such dedicated public transport lanes in your country?
What are your thoughts on this ‘modernity on top of classic’ trend in architecture?
Nebo ještě linoleum s lacině vypadající imitací dubových parket.
Thoughts about a job offer at a company that only works with modular construction techniques
Working on a new city plan
does anyone else here have a thing they thougth they invented, but later found out it had already existed for a long time?