Personality test
Might become foster parents, very in need of information
How do you combat perfectionism? Like I know a huge source of my anxiety and shame is rooted in wanting to do everything perfect?
Omg I need to vent you guys. I was just told how the way I speak in a “matter of fact” way is condescending.
How do you not get overwhelmed and anxious when traveling to a new place?
I’m curious about others’ high masking stimming habits when they were young. I’ll go first
Please forgive my ignorance. I didn’t look into this at all prior, but does anyone else in this community sometimes struggle with swallowing liquids? Like especially warm liquids?
Which fork do you prefer?
For those of you who participate in hookup culture, what is it like?
Just breathe
Is this ugly???
I need your best songs that give “stick it to the man” and “fuck the government”.
I hate the letter Q and all words that begin with it
How many of you are moms?
Songs that make you want to speed
Is something big about to happen? I feel like it is and don’t know why. 33f
When was the first time you noticed you were different?
Does this show why I’m a walking contradiction? I feel like I’m on both sides of the spectrum in literally everything
Anyone else sometimes hate a new hyperfixation?
Idk if this is the right place to post this, but do other girlies in this community like to make homemade gifts, but then fear giving the gifts out of embarrassment?
How do you feel about ASMR?
Fellow mothers that have made neurodivergent children, how do you feed them??
Does anyone else HAVE TO exercise most days?
What are the problems you have with the church?