Perfect Match S1 Megathread
What subliminals can I use for beauty, academic success and job opportunities?
Are subliminals/manifesting witchcraft, demonic, or satanic?
What subliminals would you suggest me to use for beauty, job opportunities and exam success?
Should I go no contact with my mum or am I overreacting?
Sometimes I wish I could slap my mum
Why do girls like tall boys?
How do you fall in love with doing something you hate?
I'm honestly starting to get tired of everything and everyone
I can't keep living like this
I can't take it anymore
Did Sean subconsciously trap Alex?
Have you ever wished you could exchange lives with someone? Like, you want to be them and you wish they were you rn? How do you live with seeing so many people around you living the life you've always wanted but you can't?
Have you ever wished you could exchange lives with someone? Like, you want to be them and you wish they were you rn?
Can I take clonazepam a couple of hours before my exams?
How long before my exams can I take clonazepam?