Is MH World online still active?
Steam sale. Dark souls 1-3
USA 2025: What should we actually be worried about right now?
[OC] [COMM] baby bulette
Players want to abuse new suggestion spell
If someone where to write a Elden ring novel which author would you pick
Just finished ff7 remake
Playing this game for the first time FINALLY.. what’s one thing you wish you could go back and tell yourself on your first play through?
Looking to make a boss monster, need some advice/help
Favorite examples of "Flavor is free"
Mind flayers have free will?
What is a role-playing trait that is universal to all your characters?
A bit of a rant about gods
On the future of Souls.
Wich Oath should my paladin take?
Elden Ring surely passes as a horror game. What enemies do you hate coming across?
DMs, how strict are you with warlocks?