I like this set up better than MagSafe clip
Bought this oddball for 2€
F91W on 8.5 inch wrist, can i pull this of without looking like a stole a kids watch?
Super happy with this set up.
Self gift for Valentine’s :))
Are IEMs Really That Much Better, or Just an Audiophile Flex?
What's the psychology behind friends/family not using Plex?
My best high-end disk drives
Snowsky echo mini Bluetooth codecs
Revisiting 1979
See deez
Hiby day to me :)
The demise of 225
Ibasso DX240 - OLED heat damage from 12v amp usage
Found in my grandfathers basement, any info/worth keeping?
Gamers who use IEMs, don’t you find the sound of blood flowing through your head distracting when gaming?
What’s the best way to remove these pins?
How common are IEM/wired headphones where you live?
Kids these days won't understand
what are we listening to this weekend?
Can you record while using air link?
I know it's a women's watch, but I really like it. My father insists that this is a women's watch and that I should not wear it. As someone who doesn't know much about watches, I would like to ask your opinion: Do you think I should wear this watch?
Debrid Media Manager
Whats a TV show or movie all Plex owners should have. Regardless if you ever watch it?
New Sony NW-A306