"For Keeps" starring Molly Ringwald was released in theatres today in 1988.
It’s byooooooootiful!
serious- Why we're so fascinated by the idea of aliens?
/u/NASA official "climate spiral" depicting global temperature variations since 1880 (updated with 2024 data)
Who else has one of these?
Saturday morning cartoon time was sacred
Are you a homeowner?
All Praise the TT Ban!
UAP Task Force member Lenval Logan confirms clear video of a massive 'black island' USO moving underwater at rapid speed.
In Interstellar (2014), what the FUCK was his problem?
Angel (1983): Honors Student By Day, Hooker By Night
Damn ...I got old.
Squid Alien (high definition)
A prophecy fulfillment
Screw science, right!?
What's the best screenplay in Kino history?
Octavia Butler saw our future.
Video confession that Musk will present the Mark of the Beast
I literally had this dream last night. Except my bathroom had showers 🤯
Do you see this bathroom in your dreams?
A. She was a whooare.
The MAGA Cult defends Trump and doubles down on their worship ...
So they're going to try and make homeless shelters illegal. What a world.
1975 miller meteor vs 1978 viceroy
I need a taste of that sweet sweet sky
Can someone tell me what this is