I made a shader that turns Unity's default quad into an animated butterfly. 🦋
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Das beste Feature in ganz Kickbase
Islamische Silbermünzen 8.-9. Jahrhundert
Shader Trouble
Was sagt ihr?
I think I can finally say the skate physics are in a good enough state. What do you think?
Wieso bekommen einige die Spieler deutlich unter Wert?
Can anyone help with this material?
Tiefes aus einem GTA RP Discord
Ich mit 14 🚬
What do you think about the chain mechanic I implemented?
How to overcome the bad feeling of spending money on unity assets?
What do you think of this tutorial for my mobile transform endless runner?
Why is my Sniper prefab off center but still at 0,0,0 and how can I fix it in editor?
Does it look better with outlines or without? Going for dark fantasy city builder vibe
My model in unity is see through but in blender and godot it's not i made sure the normals were right in blender only thing i could think that might be affecting it would be the fbx file type not sure how that would be affecting it though
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Mixamo running animation is weird