What i should do to finish this event?
First time with a jumping spider, can you tell what type is it?
Anyone knows how to stop flash backwards?
What do you consider to be the best indicator of how good you are with a champion?
Should i keep ducklings indoor after hatching or introduce them to their mother? (Incubator)
How i can tell at which age is the fertile egg?
Which item would you buy?
My duck just lay her first eggs, what i should do? She didn’t build any nest or siting on them
When should i expect pekin ducks to lay eggs?
Can i save the clan?
Finally T4 after 70 days of grinding 🥲
Daily free chest reward 🫣
Fix Rage Skill Lv 5
Is possible to get hero tokens from The Strongest Lord event without paying? (top 25)
In Kinnara wheel I used to get like 2-4 Legendary Tokens (S1 and hero) for each 10 spins, now only one hero token!!! Did they change the chances?
Counter Damage
I have some questions
Exp cap for deputy
Hero talent gathering stack
Best gatherers?
Which talent should I go for next on Ordo?
Just unlocked Indis, would recommend still buying her tokens or i should level up my other epic heroes skills?
Which one would suggest to focus on and leveling up? I’m a F2P
Can I reset policies?
Is it more efficient for F2P spend Dragonglass coins on indis or other rare and epic heroes like gathering heroes