Sakura setup of a 17yo guy
Anyone else not getting subdl results on a4kSubtitles?
Ik this breaks rule 2, but seriously, wtf gamersupps. EU customers are just getting fucked.
International orders no longer include taxes and duties with free shipping codes. Here's hoping we don't get too screwed with brokerage fees in Canada again,
No one has wished me a happy cake day yet
The new tv show is called “The worst ______ of America”
How many of you are actually enthusiasts?
Gfuel's shipping prices to Europe have become insane. Which is why my first GamerSupps order arrived today 🎉 I'm very curious to see what I think of it. Did I get some good first flavors?
______ actually tastes decent.
My first build in 10 years!
My pc rgb takes a long time to work is this bad?
Are these any good?
A "F%ck you!" to the awful "Gaming Headset" industry
Phanteks NV7
People are so upset with new GPUs that Amazon suggests buying harrowing war movies on VHS
Good thing I had a RAID
Is my graphics card dying?
A mother gives her daughter an unforgettable moment in her life.
TCG Pocket Official Update
First custom keeb
Am I doing something wrong? I only received one....
99 € more and you get a brand new 4080 super in germany
A whole vehicle laid bare
This game’s community makes me giggle sometimes (NSFW for some naughty language)
Help With My Second Pc Build