Budget of 212M$ vs 20M$
Wokies forcing themselves to make shitty memes to "own the chuds"
1000 car knowledge
Well gents, it's with great pleasure that i inform you I got banned to from GCJ for "trolling"
The two genders: male and political
no thanks lol
Koji naglasak u srpskom jeziku vam je najseksipilniji?
Crowds all across France gathered to celebrate the passing of far-right politician Jean-Marie Le Pen
GCJ is becoming a softcore porn sub
Straight kissing, woke edition
That thing is worn out!.
Your Team vs Their Team
These clowns call anyone who disagrees a nazi
Informerovo narodno veselje - ekskluzivni sponzor SNS
December 31st, 1912 NY Times Headline - Genocide by the Invading Serbian Army led to Approx. 120,000 Albanian Civillian Casualties in the Balkan Wars
Evropa ne bi postojala bez Albanaca
r/Gamingcirclejerk made a post celebrating getting ANOTHER sub banned and every comment is just hate towards the members of the now banned sub.
Ljubljana is basically a serbian town. This is our christmas market.
Božično vzdušje v Ljubljani
The last thing i had to do, before i left Twiddar once and for all ! Blocked Trump and Elon and reported them for hatespeech
The grifting never ends.
The Đorđe Martinović Incident - How a Serbian Farmer's Anal Masturbation Led to the Collapse of Yugoslavia
*Путник кроз време случајно помери столицу* Србија у паралелним универзуму:
How's life in Niš, Serbia?
Laggy xim
The snarl at the end