If you can change 1 thing for Shadow, what would it be?
Why is combat so unbalanced?
Purple gear scarcity in Shadows
Loving AC Shadows but one thing it really slacked on imo...horses
Shadows gameplay loop is too addictive!
Blocking achievements for using Guided Exploration is bs
Who Do You Prefer: Naoe or Yasuke?
After a good 10 hours in Shadows here is my top 5 things that NEED to be added.
Please help me find main game for years.
Got the Platinum and 100% Completion both together 🙂
Arcanist PvP
Looking to input on the Arcanist class.
Considering getting back into the game, but need class suggestions to avoid skill spam.
Can I eventually get both level 24 pets?
Cool set effects?
PSA: Fishing with Sharp appears to prevent two fishing-related achievements
Sharing something about Console ESO
DPS role for harder content: I feel like I have to do things "wrong" to be successful, and when I follow meta I often struggle. What gives?
Is Arcanist the easiest Class
Are Aetheric Ciphers dropping in Pan Tamriel event boxes?
How long has Southern Elsweyr been out? And no one was gonna tell me there was this cute pair of cuddling cats?!
Daily writs
Cp level 160 grind
Funnest class for a two handed stamina build?
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