Worth it or wait?
Thought on this formation?
Post your baddies
I am creating a monster
Anyone else got him?
Choose one for anticipate
Any improvements with 500k? Been very lucky with picks
Giving away Spark Sorceress Gear (includes Dream Fragments & Temporalis)
Honestly, for those who have tried both, baby R9 or TOTY Henry?
Any suggestions?
Choose one
Anyone else have this beast?
Any idea how much I should sell this for roughly?
What is the item rarity cap? I have 185% currently, would I notice a difference if I were to bring it to 300% for example?
What is the best distilled greed node for the Sorc?
Should I put him in the 500k evo?
Has anyone played POE2 on the PlayStation Portal?
Any rough idea when the new league will come into place?
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I thought they fixed on death explosions? Jamanra killed me on death, i was full life and got 1 shot.
I am in tears, thank you ggg.
I have an ingenuity belt with 49% increase to rings. Any idea what kind of price I should list it for?
Should I spend my remaining 900K on the icon pick SBC or save for later
[LOOTFILTER] NeverSink's PoE2 Filter Release (v0.5) + FilterBlade release! feat. Dark Mode alt style. Full progression, campaign&endgame, economy based.
Rate my team and I’ll rate yours! Haven’t touched the game in 2 weeks and my luck has been nasty 🤮