Ethan Klein complains about people doxxing Teddy Fresh employees (his wife's clothing brand), says it's against Reddit's TOS, then just a few months later he doxxed a completely random guy on Instagram for leaving mean comment
As soon as my girlfriend sent me this photo of her dog Angie, I knew exactly where it belongs
Ethan Klein pulls up a haters Instagram live on air and starts looking through his family/friends pictures while seemingly insinuating his fans should go send hate to him, his mom, his friends, and his employer, then later on a b*mb threat was allegedly called into the school his mom works at
The accuracy is uncanny.
Ethan Klein and his Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Addiction to Instagram Stories
I helped my neighbor unlock her car with my AAA. Instant regret.
Throwback: Ethan Klein defending the right for users on his subreddit to say what they want on the internet as free speech, and saying that there is clearly no way to find a Redditors' email.
I will quickly draw a silly doodle of your pet. GO!
Ethan Klein threatens to dox h3snark mods/ users.
Addressing Ethan Klein’s Threats Against This Subreddit
Found them this morning in the room when the windows were left open in the night 😺