Plead for Disclosure - US Government Officials, blink twice if you’re okay
Extremely Clear Footage of Orbs
"I'm going to give you a report on drones about one day into the administration. Because I think that they're not telling you what's going on with the drones."
Just saw this walking through downtown Boston. Haven’t had a chance to research yet.
Elizondo publishes policy brief recommending that the President empower a White House Senior Advisor, or “Czar,” to better coordinate disclosure efforts.
Various cylindrical UAPs filmed in Brazil
The red ufo of Slovakia is a flare
Any recent orb videos captured from multiple sources?
Please inform yourself first before you think about uploading something. (Video Rescue Flare 10 years ago)
Red ufo Slovakia
Captured in Bratislava, Slovakia
Bizarre video from today of a close encounter with a 'drone' emitting vapor, New Jersey
Jfk drones uploaded again after format issue
Woman has an extremely close encounter with a UFO while driving
Drones are ours.
Saw this white object moving very quickly across the sky, any thoughts ?
Book recommendation for a non believer
20 second Luis Elizondo clip that everyone should hear
It makes sense
Drone pointing laser into space in NJ. WTF is this?
interesting theory. the craft could be anywhere.
‘Drones’ reported flying over US capitol
Good video of UAPs/drones in Hazelton, PA
Clear footage NJ drone