You're bedridden for 72 hours. What show are you binge watching?
I made a time tracker for my girlfriend, and now it pays my rent
FTTM lowkey implying posts are sent thru DMs??
Brazil, 29M, living on my own
Scaling is unecessary for most websites
What terminal do you guys use as a devops engineer?
My friend told me building my own pc is stupid
Youtube performance seems worse than pirated anime site, why?
Which Point In the story marked Jin Woo’s biggest jump in power?
What’s your favorite girl name?
What are your 2024 best/ sulit buys
"developer account at risk of being closed for having no activity" really google? How can this be legal when I bought a lifetime license?
As a DevOps / Platform engineer, what is your preferred language?
Favorite move?
What iconic Youtube channel is no longer active?
Favorite fictional INTP character?
What is the most intp genre of music?
I didn't know that STAB existed for the longest time.
Which logo is tha best logo?
Just started watching this show after clowning on it for years and found it's amazing. Am I stupid?
Old or new 🤔
You Can Listen to Only One Song From Midnights Ever Again. Which Do You Choose and Why?
Train passing through the large lagoon "la Picasa" in Argentina.
24M living in brooklyn, new york
My new apartment as a single 30M living in Japan