Great American Eclipse (Nikon F80 & HP5 Plus x3)
[S] [USA-IA] Nikon FM2 & lens (New light seals & tested w/ example photos)
Antiques | Intrepid 4x5 | Cinestill 400D
Continuous Lighting
I feel dumb but I'm having trouble DRYING my negatives
[S] [USA-IA] Canon 5D Mk iii/EF 50mm 1.2
[B] [USA-IA] 4x5 - Xenotar 135 f3.5 or Rollei Heidosmat 150 f2.8
Do you post process / edit your photos before posting?
Finally grabbed a photo of my neighbor I’ve known since I was 11. Shot on a Crown Graphic with expired Portra 160.
Theater District (Rolleiflex / Cinestill 800T)
I’ve slowly stopped caring
First proper portrait after starting to develop color film myself. Bought some expired Portra 160 to test and pushed this shot 2 stops.
[S][USA-CA] Olympus Pen f
Kevin’s Garage (Crown Graphic 4x5 / Expired Portra 160)
Lomograflok users: How’s your experience been?
[S] [USA-NY] Cyber Monday Sale : Fujifilm Camera gear, Nikon Z Lens, Tripods, and Camera Bags.
Chamonix 45n-2 & Heidosmat 150mm f2.8
Macro on large format is no joke.
What are your thoughts on toning your b&w scans?
Cheap alternative for the loupe from Chamonix
What am I even looking for?
How large do you print your work?
[BREAKING] House has installed a Denny’s
Which rangefinder would you buy? And why?
Developing Tanks