TIL your anus can be too small and prevent you from pooping properly.
She-Hulk glazing be like:
Uhhh...can someone explain???
TIL the shade of semen naturally changes over the course of a man's life.
Bi-Weekly /r/CCNA Exam Pass-Fail Discussion
You wake up in 1950, you’re 20 again, with no identifiable paperwork, no house, no connections, only a suitcase filled with 50,000 dollars, what are you going to do?
Anyone else have a rude awakening to the LGBTQ community?
I just find this cringe
Losercity hero
This resume got me 2 offers
As someone whos part of gen z & drives a stick, cursive is pointless/ has been outdated since we stopped using quills to write & learning to drive stick isn’t some incredibly hard skill to learn. Gen x / early millennials need to stop acting like they’re better then everyone.
When I sort by new I see so many post ignoring them
A cat remembers its best friend who passed, from a portrait and tries to interact as they did in life
Is it wrong for a 21 year old to be talking with an 18 year old?
You let this subreddit die.
Give a name to that dawg
three things you should be thankful for <3
When you try out the hunting horn from Monster Hunter
is this a fetish