My sea shrunk. why?
There are more and more donkeys in the Russian Armed Forces. It won't be long before they start mounting cope cages on them
I love the attention to detail
Ladies and Gens, another example of russians wounded soldiers on crutches at the front. russian militants are trying to repel an attack of FPV drones using their crutches. Source:
LPT: The “Would I Pay Double?” Trick – A Game-Changer for Saving Money
When you see all the posts about people digging and you finally find a shovel
They should chill out.
A kis kínai vegyesboltok, hogy élnek meg Magyarországon akár egymástól 25 méterre?
Silly toothbrush mustache man showing his non existent intellect
PATCH 01.002.101 - Patch notes
Why did they join
Orbital Bot Drops?
My own crew refuses to hug me. This is unacceptable.
Udemyről mik a vélemények, lehet tanulni hasznos dolgokat?
why is my girlfriend in super credit debt?
Valentine Boutique Open Now
So the Trump government is now looking into who funds Anonymous and NAFO...
Action scene in an Indian movie
Custom rugs
French and British colonial powers in the Middle East: Let's draw borders based on our spheres of influence, hopefully this wont cause serious ethnic and cultural tensions later on
I find the spread of rumors on this sub deeply undemocratic...
Super Earth News Special: Vernen Wells Liberated
„Jól teszi, hogy b*ssza a kislányokat az igazgató” - mondta a tanár a komáromi technikumban, ahol szexuális visszaélés miatt nyomoz a rendőrség
Blitzkrieg was best