Ew, David.
Those who have recently graduated with a bachelors degree, what was your starting pay after school?
I love their chemistry so far
AIO: i literally cannot attend
What are some kick ass accomplishments that you have witnessed, done by women, or by yourself?
What’s the best thing you’ve ate recently
Which one are we???
What Type of Engineer Are You?
I’ll show you mine if you show me yours!
Activity date ideas?
Hot take: Devs who don't know how to give constructive feedback should be fired
So that’s how Grey’s anatomy ends..Dr Webber retires and becomes a cowboy
Weekday fun activities
Got told I'm too blunt in my performance review
Let’s share the irritating and sexist “feedback” we’ve received
How's your season going? ♥️
Love Is Blind NYC
Malformed Twin found in the brain of a one year old girl
For your favorite Valentine 🧡🥡
Do you think it matters if you wear makeup or not to work?
Think I will be able to hit sub 4?
Should TLC replace Shaun Robinson as the Tell All host? She isn’t charismatic, doesn’t seem to want even want to be there and doesn’t chime in where she really should. If you think TLC should replace her, who do you think would be a better host?
Will you pay for company swag?
Zoe in Yellow land
my fishing lure nails!!