Question from Twitter: Who is a good actor with a bad agent?
What makes you affraid of aliens?
AITA for showing " everybody" what my ex wrote on his final check to me?
Some photos that make me love my big nose 💘 some days it’s really hard to not feel like shit about it but here and there it feels like art. Grateful for pages like this
What series/podcast created undeserved sympathy for someone you think is guilty and why?
"There is something Piggy about her nose". Oh? Take a look in the mirror lately?
Horror Movie Crushes 🔪 🩸 🪓
Azealia Banks posts IG stories dragging Lady Gaga and praising Nicki Minaj
I know it's from 2013, but I'm shocked Miley Cyrus never deleted this.
Mads Mikkelsen appreciation post
Why were all the ‘platinum ice blonde’ makeovers so yellow???
I desperately wish we could have seen a longer career for Anton Yelchin.
How can I permanently remove this curl? (Ironing is temporary)
How do you tone a blonde root touch up?
What's your favorite / iconic quote of the 'late ANTM years'
CZ demonstrates how to make sorting meds fun
What are some of the most blatant, proven or speculated publicity stunts you’ve witnessed?
The rampant cosmetic surgery in our culture has me evaluating beauty standards and practicing self love. It’s okay to look different 🖤
Getting stressed about disappointing my fiancé
What cut/color looks best on me?
Which outfit should I wear to the Barbie movie?
Most Annoying Contestants?
Dress regret - feel like it’s lacking something
Which color/style is best on me?