Why did God create some people ugly?
What are your favourite pieces of media?
Do y'all think good looks can compensate for being short?
Most relatable movie?
We should all quit
This…. Is so weird and pathetic how everyone is obsessed with looks… like wtf so you mean CUNTY? I hate our species bro
Cheating is normal now??
R ur parents ugly?
Does anyone else calls themselves a female because they don't feel like a woman?
“He doesn’t like me because I’m brunette not blonde”
What a coward
Nobody’s as ugly as I am
“Plastic surgery will not help you guys just give up” keep coping
Gratitude and prayer have helped me feel better
Less than 2 years apart
Woman's perspective on attraction (Really Long, so sorry. There is TLDR)
Autobiography of a face
Daily Simple Questions Thread
I bought my first hair topper, I thought I'd feel good. I don't.
I’m so insecure about being pale
It’s the fact that she had this disgusting behavior and people praised her in the comments. Almost NO ONE said she had a bad personality or was being disgusting they a were like “LOL FACTS” proof personality is bullshit
Wanting height surgery as a woman
Does anyone else have severe hair thinning, but their hair doesn't fall out much?
How would a sub of "real uglies" look like?
All i see is attractive women with average guys