What percentage of your Supernote usage is dedicated to writing?
What will be my career path if I stay in SDET for long term
I'd be here for Game Samer (old school low budget Game Changer)
Anyone using Claude Projects regularly? What are your thoughts?
PSA - Pen loop dust plug for Manta has protective film that should be removed before installation
A comparison of handwriting recognition keyboards
Pen with a button and ceramic nib
Are these sideloading instructions still accurate?
Is there a way to use handwriting as web page input?
US Delivery - Continues
Second(?) Dec 12 morning batch is shipping (US store)
Just curious if anyone got a shipping notification today (USA)?
Looking for Cozy Sweater beer in Seattle
260+ hours invested...here is my wish list for future updates.
Pen Gestures - Circle to Lasso, Scribble Erase
What would be the best path in the current job market to become a QA tester?
Jetpack fuels height performance *
Simple QoL request: ESC closes Blueprint Designer Interface
Pen Brinkmanship
Starting today cuz I can't wait for 1.0. Main line or Experimental?
When does Nomad make handwritten documents searchable?
Lamy Al-Star as stylus?
Lost partial sensitivity in right middle finger after bouldering.
Astra Merger Information Statement Released
Is being a Game QA tester worth it?