Lox jumped off boat in daylight serpent attack wtf
We need an official 'Tunnel Of Love Express Tour' video Release!
Favorite Clarence moment, but you CAN’T pick the Jungleland solo
Craziest place you masturbated at?
Bruce's thematic focus on outsiders rather than rebels
Who's your favourite female character who's a horrible person?
I’m curious how living with AuDHD……
Gross als Frau, ich halte es nicht mehr aus
Have you ever read Franz Kafka’s letter to his father?
Best writings about Bruce?
What music kept you alive when you felt nothing else could?
Give me your CPTSD songs
Song of him that made you cry
Bruce Springsteen Keeps Wearing Sick Jackets to the Set of His Own Biopic
I made a "it's complex bitch" reminder bracelet for myself
Mein erstes selbst gebautes Insektenhotel bekommt die ersten Bewohner
Dining room - Portland, OR
My Mum is slowly realising I've gone LC and guilting me about it. How to handle?
I suspect that Gaslighting, is a major factor with my trauma, and the disconnection, hence severe Emotional trauma/neglect as a result
My mum is slowly realising I've gone LC and guilting me about it. How to handle this?
the tree is watching
If you let your eyes blur a little… which one is your favorite?
Wenn ihr könntet welche Tiere würdet ihr kreuzen ?
Welche Entscheidung in eurem Leben bereut ihr am meisten?
Alien Botanist Logbook, Midjourney generation