H: Enclave Plasma Gun Calibrated Capacitor, W: Non-Cap Offers
H: A New Title, W: To Say Thanks
I can retire an Old Gleaming Eradicator - Thank you to all who helped!
H: Enclave Plasma Gun Calibrated Capacitor W: Adhesive or Nuka Grape or a combination
Raiding for a while or LFG to join
48 seconds to kill the snake - 4 man Raid
[Discussion] am I overcharging or are these good prices
Completing a full Raid start to finish should guarantee a four-star mod box
H: 20 Explosive Bobbles, W: 200 Nuka Grape
Raid plans repeats...le sigh
H: H: Following mods W: OE X5, Uny x 2, Thru hikers x 4
Power armor suggestions needed!
H: 300 Nuka Cherry, W: Someone who needs them for free
New Year Giveaway!
Lvl 1000 giveaway
H: 500 Nuka Cherry, W: 200 Nuka Quantum
For the 300th time, just give me the calibrated shock plans and I'll go away.
H: Pictured Mods, W: Reflective Mods
Running EN06 for a bit (PS5)
If the game crashing 76 times during the final raid boss was a challenge in the game I would have gotten it.
Carry me
Is this plan still worth anything
To the high level players that just carried me through my first raid - thank you
Cherry pickers, where you at and why you lying?