request me about your favorite anime or Japan stuff, i will ask teacher to use that kind of thing for teaching
100000 KARMAAAA!!!!!
my teacher show this 😭🙏
600 meters?
what a perfect math class today
i wish this will happend
Packing my bag for school tomorrow
my teacher added Gawr Gura into the worksheert
Homework's done; time to relax!
honestly if keyboard can do this, it would be so much better
How do you say NO in your language?
Proof that ∞ < everything
my math teacher show this
my teacher tried to makes math meme
my teacher use Watame as a math meme
[Grade 9: Trigonometry] Have I been misunderstanding all along that √x and ²√x are the same?
[grade 11 physics: projectile motion] yin-yang orb is far away from Reimu 12 meters i know, but who's being hit?
i'm confused
Such a weirdo
my first day of the school
my teacher put Monika in the worksheet
Thai Vending Machine