The Top 250 minimum ratings threshold increased to 15,000 ratings
12 angry men is amazing
Which movie is this for you?
Traitors S3 Alignment Chart. What would you change?
Back home after a solo trip of one year
What was the most unsafe/risky thing that you have done on your travels? How did it turn out?
Where do solo travelers stay for more than a month when traveling?
60 days in Sumatra.
Has it ever happened that you haven't been able to move on from a city?
There's a Lot of Depressing posts on this Sub
Nebenwohnsitz in Österreich, Hauptwohnsitz und Arbeitgeber im Nicht-EU Ausland. Tipps / Worauf achten?
Worst food you had?
Hey guys, I learned the indigenous Katu language (which is related to Khmer/Cambodian), and I made a video about my progress speaking with locals
Enjoy Life
Dumme Fragen zum Einkommensteuerformular für freie Dienstnehmer - mag wer helfen?
Did you ever get tired of backpacking culture while traveling?
Did anyone here find a job in tech with a Work and Holiday visa? Or would another visa type be better?
Gebrauchte Küchenutensilien ( Pfannen, Wasserkessel,...) in Wien kaufen?
Auf wg-gesucht gesehen, was bedeutet das?
Kälteeinbruch: Caritas bittet um Sachspenden
2023 vibe
What is your favorite poem?
Ein Gedicht von Jess, gefunden in einem Wiener Kaffeehaus
Skiclub for students!
Mutmaßliche Klimaaktivisten ließen in Wien erneut Luft aus mehr als 50 SUV-Reifen