Is she using a filter here???
What is your opinion on the four-day workweek?
Which lipstick looks the best?
Where do all the bohemian people live?
what’s socially acceptable but you think shouldn’t be?
The tone deafness is reaching unbearable proportions
I’m at a total loss
What hair colour suits me best?
Pet Peeve Phrases?
Don't want to exercise in case it changes my body
What is the biggest barrier stopping you from living your best life
Moving back to Ireland. Yay or nay?
What often destroys relationships but is hardly talked about?
Oh the hypocrisy
What time do you get up in the morning?
Her “flaws” are always that she’s a “perfectionist” don’t pmo
What's the body fat below which you won't see anymore reduction in facial fat?
What’s you normal eating schedule?
Max & Vic posting
Rounding out narrow glutes, Focusing on medius or minimus?
This is… shockingly low?
Heather Gay’s black eye. Why the lengths?
Do you guys think she’s actually that obsessed with the Wicked movie