Looking for local venues in BG
Question: People with facial piercings, what do you do for work?
new to the faith, queer ex catholic
romance where the guy is an absolute dork
Veterinarian recommendations
Best cell service in BG?
Switched to Kobo Libra Colour from Kindle Paperwhite!
I tried to look Dark Academia, not sure if I succeeded
What is your kobo name?
switching from kobo to kindle?
Kindle to Kobo migration
IT Support Jobs in BG
Best Places to Read Books At?
Got doxxed and bullied by an author...
Anyone interested in a book club?
found at my local game store
If DA and LA both use neutral colors, what would you call my style that uses A LOT of color?
Give her a name :D
what do you think my name is?
What should I name my OC??
Guess my name
This is me! Can you guess my name?
Well How about guessing these Guys names
made aaaaall this (guess my name??)
What name do I look like?