Meet Zuko! Our first Shiba
Do songs from South Park ever get stuck in your head?
Onanerade och åt kebab
Och jag som inte vet vet inte vad det är. Men ser pundigt ut!
Another in my collection of WTF Jimmy Olsen covers.
Men vad i självaste helvete är det här nu då? Reklampaus på Facebook?
“You’re not supposed to have that!”
Hoppas jag blir lika glad för hemorrojder när jag blir gammal 🙂
Sledding with a DIY Rope Tow
Fler här som är okyssta vid 25?
Le week 3 of sobriety arrives
I have not seen Young Indiana Jones nor any other prequel material. What is the lore explanation as to why (An Archaeology Professor) Indiana Jones is able to hold his own against trained soldiers in fights?
Luca. 🤍 my favorite client that comes to see me monthly for a deshed, and trim and tidy!
Meet The Cheems! (Full Version)
Testkörd inne på badrummet?
Who is the mother of Scrooge’s daughters?
What a hard working, Haj!
Le tragic death of Sharon has arrived
Lättlurade folk på facebook
What attractions would you like to see in a Futurama theme park?
Caption this
Innocent? Or guilty?