Alarm clocks vs using your phone.
How are y'all affording to stay on top of beauty services these days?
I had 2 kids all to shovel my sidewalk tonight
My cat is afraid of me like 80% of the time. Should I rehome her?
Avatar: The Last Airbender in Concert
Looking for closed door/low spice recs, similar to KM Shea and Kate Stradling!
What is your go to lazy meal?
Why are there no notorious serial killers nowadays?
Is it bad to drink 6-8 cans of sparkling water every day?
What e-reader do you use?
Why do people put unopened jars of food directly into the fridge?
Video games?
Coughing child + wedding
Why am I embarrassed to buy toilet paper?
Matt and Rachael have broken up
How much would you spend to save your pet?
What’s your “I did not care for The Godfather” take for ATLA or TLOK?
Is this animal abuse, or just and old dog?
I hate this lady
Ceo delivers condescending video to underpaid workers, demands they "stop thinking about their bonus"
AITA for buying my girlfriend lingerie?
What happened that made you finally content with your life?
AITAH for getting mad that my gf went to masturbate?
What hobby did you pick as adult?
Parents who bring children under the age of 3 to an expensive holiday e.g. Disneyland/a cruise ship, why are you spending that much money on holiday with a child who doesn't have the capacity to remember it yet?
Why is there only a male loneliness epidemic and no female loneliness epidemic?