What builds actually use the % damage charms over skill gcs?
What to do with ohm
came back after a long rest but cant start the game?
Where is the best place to farm for skiller charms?
Finally a hit a nice bow craft
Charachters GIVEAWAY
Die Christen und die Nazis
Rathma Armor
Jewelry I think maybe valuable? Anything here better than self use?
price checking on this dual leech
Casually walking after I cleaned everything
This claw
Thoughts on this circ?
How are tattoos viewed in society in Italy?
Javazon "Build" - What can I improve?
TikTok Math
Guter Preis für das Angebot?
Trauer um Mutter, das Leben ist seit ihrem Tod einfach nur sch**** und es wird nicht besser.
Realistically what could I get for this on PCSC Ladder?
Need a BER for enigma online. Where farm?
An meinen Ausbilder
Good gloves or meh?
Drop some free stuff for me please?
Lag/ Drop Framerates
Question: Getting my first tattoo soon any advice?