dont download ARID+ (a bit of a warning)
opinion on this? (Arid+)
I've been working on Arid+ for the past few months, and it's very close to releasing :) (It'll be snowy arid at the start due to the winter season, lmk what u guys think)
Amazing elver movie vid!
Awesome New Unturned Server
is there a point in playing kayn anymore?
Buak SOD server base decay
If you could have 20 kills on a champion, who would it be and why?
Unturned the servers keeps kicking me out
How to build blue Kayn after the new nerfs
Help I want to train my aim
Working on Arid+, any suggestions?
I'm a Korean who can't speak English. Hello brothers, I'm trying to post a strategy for Rek'Sai.