How much temp HP on an early game item.
When would this be used?
First tournament
Ahriman on Disc or Not
Starting horrors heresy
How do you transport your armies?
Decided to buy a box of rubrics as a start to my first army and this is super intimidating
We all have thousand sons but what are your other armies?
New detachment is out!
Wow that new detachment was something...
Chaos Knight Tyrant I bashed together from leftover sprue/supplies. Is he Tzeentchy enough?
Wishlist and Brainstorm Units
Thousand Sons VS melee oriented armies
Finally won a game without Magnus
Support main help
Thank you Space Marine!
What do you guys want to see for our new mini/mini's for 10e, any named characters you want in plastic, or something like that
New to Tsons, need advice on what to buy. A local shop was going under and I snagged a combat patrol and paint for half off. After that where do I start?
Player advice
Would 2 combat patrols of tyrannids be good for casual play?
Is the Thousand Sons combat patrol worth it?
Ahriman omnibus opinion after just having started. (Aufiobook)
Are Terminators worth it?
Another post about 1000pt lists
First army