Upgraded my 4030 with 800w spindle
Finished making my first CNC router
what software do I need to design and create the gcode to machine pcb
16 DOF robotic hand
This will be a CNC machine in 24 hours
[Student] After 8 months, I finally landed a job exactly in the area I am interested in.
Rotary Encoder reading while minimizing CPU usage: need advise on how to implement a way to read encoder data (ch a & b) without having to read pins or using interrupts (high RPM expected)
ROS2 , Ubuntu version
RRbot not running in Ubuntu 22.04 jazzy
How would I control this
How to use ros2_controllers with my Bipedal Robot
Homemade 3d printed cnc machine
Juggernaut first test on ground
I have decided to pull the trigger . Which one should I get ?
My desktop CNC setup
Built an autonomous race car
Spindle shuts down as soon as there's a load on it
Esp32 restarts when controlling 4 high power dc motors
I finally finished my CNC!
How I train pollen robotics reachy robot to do a high five 🙏
What's wrong with my Spindle, VFD connection
Difference in voltages across grounds of VFD