What is your type?
What were your nicknames in highschool?
What MUST you do before you die?
What do you hate about parties/clubs?
What do you do when your home alone?
How does your personality change when you talk to certain people?
What type of person are you known as in your whole family, even extended?
Do you have a degree from college that you don't use because you chose a different career and why?
Do you believe college is necessary and why?
How would shinobi society function if chakra were a finite resource that could run out permanently if overused?
My adorble glutton.
What thoughts pop up in your head during sex?
Do you like watching the same series over and over again?
What causes you the most anxiety and stress?
How will the World be like in 100 years time?
What does sex feel like for women
What's the funniest joke you know?
When have you gotten in trouble at school but it was totally worth it?
What caused you and your Exes to break up?
What do you truly believe happens after death?
I wanna fucking rage cry
What is something you'll never do, for as long as you live?
What was the worst thing you've ever tried?
What influences your decision to sleep with someone?
My 10 goals for this year