Coaching Resources/Tactical Analysis
Coaching Resources/Game Analysis
Dropping Wemby
What movie titles (unaltered) make for great porn titles?
It’s the little things like this that make me happy
New in the game, having trouble with low pitches
Walked it off in my third ever ranked seasons game!
Just won my 3rd ever ranked game with a 9th inning rally and walk off and I am officially hooked
Promotion questions
Wonder what Duncs assistant manager will say today
We are being seriously overrun in midfield.
Luke Shaw about to win the Golden Boot
The Daily Squad Thread (AM Edition) -- October 08, 2019
Suggestions on my starter squad? Will replace Aguero with Giroud and Eusebio with Joelington once loan over
Give us some tips for early access
Underrated point guards?
Starter squad. Sell the totw or keep? Im confused after watching nicks vid.
Off-Season Find a League / Share Your League Thread (August)
Who are the 1+1+1 guys you're targeting this year? Which round did you draft them?
San Marino young guns
Really glad they didn't get a third shot
What will no one ever be able to convince you of?
Fantasy Injuries: Is This The Darkest Timeline? (End Of Season Update)