Guys what does this mean?
Why won't my milk float?
How do you call this un your country? In Peru we call it pava
In welcher Form wäre euch der Münchner Hauptbahnhof am liebsten?
Wer hat ernsthaft gedacht, "OSU" ist verständlicher als Nummern? (U-Bahnhof Feldmoching)
Day 3: Traditional dish everyone should try
Can someone please flood the kitchen as a prank for our boss?
Leidenschaftliche Grower hassen diesen Trick
I study German and I want to listen German music.
His name is the last thing you ate
Baby Maus, Ratte oder Eichhörnchen?
What are some examples of confusing false friends between Dutch & German that are spelled EXACTLY the same (no spelling differences) but they're both associated with the same theme?
Where to get some good French fries in Munich?
Bitte dringend um Hilfe
Was für ein Tier bedient sich an meinem Keller-Vorrat? Wie kann ich am besten (human) dagegen angehen?
What's your favorite German word, as a German?
(Gewinnspiel) Wer am besten das (trockene) Gewicht nach der Ernte errät bekommt 3 fem. Seeds von dieser Sorte für 1ct
I am doing this road-trip next week. First time to Germany! Anything I should definitely stop off and see on the way?
Is my film fucked
Weiß jemand was das für ein Baum ist?
was hat er geraucht?
Wiggle wiggle dot dot dot dot