Will the “honeymoon” period ever come back?
Peachy Pink
Ladies, what are your actual weaknesses at work?
Ross being good at the “stuff”
Does Wellbutrin cause insomnia?
What are some changes you’ve had physically with age that you actually love?
Deceased husband 401K
Millennials: what is a phrase that you would never hear today but that we heard constantly as children?
Which sitcoms started and ended off great?
Kendra back to KDUB
Best song?
The NY Times got the money shot of Luigi with the details of arrest. Gift article.
What did you buy as an adult because you were denied it as a child?
Kendra on Too
Oliver & Bree
[NO SPOILERS] switch double exposure bug: deletes files!!
Is Kate Spade “Karen” fashion now?
What fucked you up for the rest of your life?
This might sound so trivial.. but what is your go to pen?
How many pets do you own? (For college statistics class)
Is this Holly? Her face looks different in every pic.
What was the worst time you misheard lyrics?
ELI5: Why don't our tongues grow like other muscles since we're always moving them?
Is it the meds or am I sick?
Trigger the fandom in one sentence