A warning, especially to women. I caused my own heart failure. Don't be me.
Does anyone else have siblings who don’t recognize the trauma?
When is tachycardia dangerous
My family is shocked I'm not forgiving them for victim blaming me and choosing the groper
Asked to return newly adopted dog
Mass Shrimp death all dying 24-48 hours after molting
My boyfriend told me to 'go find someone else to f***' so l almost did-but now he's acting brand new.
For anyone who decided to not have children, is there anyone who regrets it?
dont mind me…
My parter (48M) won’t stop asking me (56F) for 3 ways
AITA for refusing to give my lottery winnings to my family after they excluded me from a family trip?
My (26f) bf (30m) got me Pokémon for Christmas and I can’t let it go, do I call it quits or work it out?
my mom had stage four ovarian cancer
What are some useful “pre iPad kid” things I can teach my soon to be child that aren’t so common anymore?
Was told that snails could live with Opaes, but the snails don't seem to be doing well
This marriage sucks…
what do i do now
27F & almost hoping that I DO get a diagnosis…
Stage 3 Ovarian cancer
30yo with strange chest tightness suddenly over the past few weeks
What’s one small habit or change that improved your life in unexpected ways?
Looking for Support
Should I buy this Kiln for $200?
Should you share your phone password with your spouse?
Anyone else plecs love cucumber/ courgette as much as mine do?