Bitch I got an F in grammar
When you skip English Classes 🤣
to catch a train
Put the phone down
Sorry for asking about your interests I guess?
Bitch I’m a dumb cop
Who's wrong here?
References/pointers syntax riddle
Seems legit…
Girl fight at school
Guy picked wrong car to slap
What is the part that juts out of a Chicken Nugget? Why are they there?
Does Google actually send out emails like this?
What was he thinking?
We texted for two days after matching on a dating app
Not my usual convo with scammers but I think I did OK with this one...
John is definitely not having it 😅
Never give up. Keeping trying.
I feel like I would have been good at making these as a teen.
What kind of noodles are these?
Would you date a girl who doesn’t want to ever drink alcohol?
So many questions
Pronouns are Scary
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Am I wrong?
this is why we need the department of education😭
What is that trail that the brush leaves for a few seconds in this pan I was washing?